Sunday, December 26, 2010

Man UP

Time to get my head back in the game! I've been going crazy these last few months with moving between states, searching jobs, and working on all sorts of commissions and projects in between. Let's pick things back up eh? I really must get some new sketches up here in the Dumpster. But aside from my own sketches, I have so many amazing images I've collected that I'd love to share that always work as inspiration and motivation for me when working, and I'd hope could work for others as well :). So with that idea and attempting to leave this page solely for sketch work, I'd love to begin managing a Tumblr to share all of the amazing art and photos I'm always wasting my time collecting from the web when I'm intentionally unintentionally procrastinating on getting some new work done! It's loads of retro art and advertisements, sexy womens, and a large array of some of the hippest and mind blowing art that's floating around the infrawebs these days. Be sure to keep and eye out for it, eh?
Otherwise, I haven't got much to throw into the Drawing Dumpster right now. The scanner is yet to be set up and holiday festivities have been consuming a good bit of time. But let me try and dig something up here quick....hmmmm....
AHA! Here we go! Here's a preliminary sketch that I'd been working on before deciding it would be a perfect submission for the 'Metal' Show that I was invited to display in at Freedom Gallery & Tattoo in Lancaster, PA earlier this fall. Just kind of worked out well like that I guess. And what an excellent event with so much AMAZING work by local artists! Perhaps more info and pics on that later.

You can see the finished product here, but of course you know I'm one that is always fond of the beginning sketches of my own work just a teeny bit more ;)

Happy Holidays everyone!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dr. Sketchy's!

Went to Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School at World Cafe Live in Philly just yesterday and had a blast! It's been such a long time since I've done any live model drawing and what an excellent and outrageous experience to get back into it!

There were wonderfully sexy models all dolled up in wonderfully sexy costumes for a 3 hour 'Back to School' themed drawing session complete with 'Back to School' inspired music!

And guess who won an autographed photo of the lovely 'Little Darling' for their sketchy skillz?...

Lovely. Can't wait to go to the next!

Thank you Dr. Sketchy!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Empty Headed

Something from a few years ago probably that I had just dug out of the ol' dumpster recently. Unfortunately fell off the radar...but will probably remain there. It's not a terrible design. Just feels like old news at this point.

Tree people are SOOOOOO 2009 anyway...



Sunday, July 11, 2010

Featured in 2 EDGED MAG!! Available NOW!!

The newest issue of the downloadable artist E-Zine, 2 EDGED MAG, is now available for download on their website!


Oh, and guess who's featured inside? None other than your big ol' fluffy bearded pal...ME! ;)

The mag features dozens of talented artists from all over the world and all different mediums! Animation, Design, Photography, Graffiti, Music, Sculpture, Vinyl Toys, Architecture, you name it!

GO TAKE A LOOK! You won't regret it! Go to issue #6 (Part B), download the Flash PDF and prepare to have your minds blown! Orgasmic array of incredible art and images set to the soundtrack of some amazing thick and wobbly tremor-inducing Dubstep/DNB tracks mixed by Kenei!


Thanks all!


Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's like we weren't made for this world...

...Though I wouldn't really want to meet someone who was...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Come on mood shift, shift back to good again

Yikes! Has it really been that long since i've posted something here? Sheesh!

Too much happening it seems, but also nothing at the same time. It's been a funky month. But since I threw my back out on the Fourth of July, I guess I've got some time to switch it up. No new sketches, but here's an oldie i found shoved deep down in the ol' hard drive.

I remember doing this one at work a while back while I was still at the framing shop. We'd use the brown craft paper as backing on a lot of finished framing work. I, on the other hand, used it as a distraction from doing my job.

It wasn't the best material for drawing on. It's kind of coarse, inks will bleed, and it has this thin funky kind of wax coating that didn't always take graphite real well and smeared when trying to erase. Still, I take what I can get, and It's always fun to do drawings on a toned surface like this. You can make a sharp lookin final drawing in half the time, and in terms of sketching, helps to quickly and easily play with and define your lighting and light sources. A very beneficial way to work. I really need to look into getting a sketchbook like this.

Now, If only I could buy some motivation and inspiration to actually use it, and not just say I'm gonna. Guess I'll keep checking those Sunday ads. BJ's usually runs a 2-for-1 on inspiration, right?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

OK Girls

It's about time I muster up some energy, and concentration to share here. Once again, I've faulted on keeping up to date with this blog as often as I always tell myself I'm going to. My bad. But I'll fall into it sometime I'm sure. I think I'm finally starting to get into a better habit of drawing and sketching so this should aid in facilitating the blogging process.
In fact, my recent fits of insomnia seem to have led me to wasting my life in the infrawebs. Much of that time has been devoted to sifting through profiles on Part boredom, part hoping to haphazardly stumble across my soulmate. But there's some really purdy ladies on there soooo.... I drew a few :P
I've also tried to give some free portraits via, with much less success. Aside from unnappreciation and severe lack of patience displayed by so many people, there's just too many dicks. But I still might try my luck. We'll see.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pattern Play

Just had to post something since it's been a little while since the last one. This is a drawing done at work fairly recently I quite like, partly inspired by the fanciful mind at

Very beautiful work. Check it out!


Monday, May 3, 2010


I really love this sketch. Done not too far back. From about october/november 2009. There's a lot that needs to be worked with here. Kind of a cluster of all sorts of things aquatic related. The jellyfish and nautilus. A lot of concepts and ideas I've been into recently, but unfortunately have been forced to keep putting off refining this and making a final illustration of some sort. At this point, I'm not sure It will ever get anywhere, but I hope I can find some time somewhere to do something more with it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Scratch that. Reverse it.

REWIND!! ::rrrtttt rrrrtt rrrrrrrttttttttt::

I apparently need to retract my last post on my completion of "Purple Zombie". Just got an e-mail from the writer/organizer/master pitch-man and, as it turns out, we apparently still need to adjust many of the colors...


Just when I thought I wouldn't have to look at it again for a while. Oh well. I suppose the points he made are valid. After getting opinions from several sources, I suppose it's only right to change certain problem areas (or at least play with them to see what will come through). It's just a pain in my pasty white dumper. But it could be a lot worse. I could be asked to do it all over (which I wouldn't), or they would just trash my work entirely and start from scratch with a new colorist (which I would be infuriated over). So I'll take it with a grain of salt and fiddle with it as I can and see what comes out of it.

So look for a NEW FINAL PURPLE ZOMBIE #1 in the near future.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Just wrapped coloring "Purple Zombie" #1 not too long ago. Almost completely forgot about showing it off! I guess I just needed to hide it from myself for a little while. Got a little tired of looking at it after working on it for so long, I suppose. But I think now is an appropriate time to share a little preview. Should hopefully see this get published by some means soon. We're all keeping our fingers crossed! :)

No text to go with it YET, but hope you enjoy!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sloppy Studies

I was just re-designing and editing the blog a bit and while searching for images to design a nifty little header I stumbled across a few fun studies I had forgot about I thought I might share. Those of you who might be familiar with my Deviant Art page (, will find that these are nothing really new, but there's still a freshness in these I still quite enjoy. I may have to try to get into a little more watercolor and ink fun soon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hump Days

It's been a while. Not much time or energy these days. Wondering when I'll get my spark back. I try to force it but it does no good. I try to be creative and draw and do something new and that's all it looks like. Trying. Just forcing myself to do something I have no inspiration to do, and it shows through. Oh well, it hopefully not too long before I get over this hump. My mind is just cramped with other problems or priorities.
In any event, here's a few oldies I quite like that I had stumbled on. Hmmmm...noticing a trend here? I swear I do draw things other than foxy ladies. I just don't prefer to, haha.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Before's pt. 2

More "before" shots, as promised! See the finished paintings here:


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Blargh! Still taking too long to post these things here. I apologize. I MUST get more into a habit. But a lot of things have been going wayside unfortunately as I'm working my arse off coloring a comic with some awesome folks. Little preview here:
Just to prove to you I'm NOT just being lazy.

Anyway, here's a few little visual nibblets to feast your eyes upon. These are a little more advanced than sketches I suppose. These are just a few "before" shots of a some of the paintings I've been doing recently. I just really love how clean the linework is on some of these and how it acts with the natural grain of the wood. Sometimes I think I should just leave them this way, because it's almost painful to have to cover them up. See the finished paintings here:


There's a few more but I think I'll just save them for a little later. It'll give me a reason to make sure I post again soon!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

More ladies...of course....

Ok, not doing so well about updating this almost daily as I'd hoped. Simply busy with work and other projects. But here's just a few tidbits.
Just always liked these few. I'll have to scan more to get up here soon. Enjoy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Old Girlie Sketches...and llamas?

Just some random sketches from an older sketchbook. I quite like these. I almost feel as though I can't even draw this well anymore. They seem more fluid and anatomically correct than what I've been doing. Maybe it's just that blue lead though. It's been a while since I've touched the stuff. Gives this a nice look. A few out there might even recognize one of these sketches from a business card I've had for a while. Can you spot it?


Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is the first, and hopefully not the last...

Well, after at least one failed attempt at a blog, I've decided to dive back in, with more purpose this time. While the first (which shall remain nameless), was just sort of a short mashing of random thoughts and images, I've decided I need to create a new dumpster for my thoughts, but mostly, for drawings and sketches of mine that have slipped into oblivion and perhaps off the radar of significance.
After thumbing through some old scraps, I find that there's promise in a lot of these images, or they're at least fairly interesting to look at, as a window to where my head was at at the time of drawing or simply to see my progression and skill. There's also many that were meant to become final pieces but ultimately got put on the back burner, where they got neglected and slowly boiled out to a vapor, never to return to their once solid state of worthy progression.
Also, as not to clutter a perfectly good portfolio site (, blogspot seems to be the appropriate receptacle to toss my unwanted orphan children. Please enjoy. For you are now entering...

::cue Twilight Zone theme music::

"dooDOOdoodoo, dooDOOdoodoo, dooDOOdoodoo"

First things first....For whatever reason, this first drawing comes to mind. This was done as part of an assignment given to me by my mentor and illustrator from Greece, Vassilis Gogtzilas (; I always thought it was a decent drawing. VERY good for the less than amateur talent I was exhibiting at the time, but the final execution was a fail as I was trying a then foreign medium: Adobe Photoshop. I've certainly come a long way, and so I kind of wish this could become something more, but I know I'll never find to time to reach back to it and make it what I want it to be. This second is from the same period of time while working under the guidance of Vassilis. This time he assigned me to do a portrait of Franz Kafka. I always liked this drawing and I remember working for FOREVER on it, but again, once I took it to color, I had no clue what I was doing with Photoshop and got frustrated at the outcome and tossed it aside. As I look at it now, I'm falling in love again. But again, unlikely it will ever see the light of day as anything I can define as finished.

So that's all for post one. I have so much more to share but must refrain for further posts. So if there IS anyone out there reading this, please check back. There will be more artistic rubbish to be tossed into the dumpster soon.

In the meantime, check out my other websites! There's a plethera of art stuffs to ogle at.