Well, after at least one failed attempt at a blog, I've decided to dive back in, with more purpose this time. While the first (which shall remain nameless), was just sort of a short mashing of random thoughts and images, I've decided I need to create a new dumpster for my thoughts, but mostly, for drawings and sketches of mine that have slipped into oblivion and perhaps off the radar of significance.
After thumbing through some old scraps, I find that there's promise in a lot of these images, or they're at least fairly interesting to look at, as a window to where my head was at at the time of drawing or simply to see my progression and skill. There's also many that were meant to become final pieces but ultimately got put on the back burner, where they got neglected and slowly boiled out to a vapor, never to return to their once solid state of worthy progression.
Also, as not to clutter a perfectly good portfolio site (www.evjones.carbonmade.com), blogspot seems to be the appropriate receptacle to toss my unwanted orphan children. Please enjoy. For you are now entering...
::cue Twilight Zone theme music::
"dooDOOdoodoo, dooDOOdoodoo, dooDOOdoodoo"
First things first....
For whatever reason, this first drawing comes to mind. This was done as part of an assignment given to me by my mentor and illustrator from Greece, Vassilis Gogtzilas (www.vassilisgogtzilas.blogspot.com; www.gogtzilas.com). I always thought it was a decent drawing. VERY good for the less than amateur talent I was exhibiting at the time, but the final execution was a fail as I was trying a then foreign medium: Adobe Photoshop. I've certainly come a long way, and so I kind of wish this could become something more, but I know I'll never find to time to reach back to it and make it what I want it to be.
This second is from the same period of time while working under the guidance of Vassilis. This time he assigned me to do a portrait of Franz Kafka. I always liked this drawing and I remember working for FOREVER on it, but again, once I took it to color, I had no clue what I was doing with Photoshop and got frustrated at the outcome and tossed it aside. As I look at it now, I'm falling in love again. But again, unlikely it will ever see the light of day as anything I can define as finished.
So that's all for post one. I have so much more to share but must refrain for further posts. So if there IS anyone out there reading this, please check back. There will be more artistic rubbish to be tossed into the dumpster soon.
In the meantime, check out my other websites! There's a plethera of art stuffs to ogle at.